Food Standards Agency - Recent allergy alerts

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Causes of ant sting anaphylaxis

This study determined the Australian native ant species associated with ant sting anaphylaxis, geographical distribution of allergic reactions, and feasibility of diagnostic venom-specific IgE (sIgE) testing. 376 participants reported 735 systemic reactions. Of 299 participants for whom a cause was determined, 265 had reacted clinically to Myrmecia species and 34 to green-head ant (Rhytidoponera metallica). Of those with reactions to Myrmecia species, 176 reacted to jack jumper ant (Myrmecia pilosula species complex), 18 to other jumper ants (15 to Myrmecia nigrocincta, three to Myrmecia ludlowi) and 56 to a variety of bulldog ants, with some participants reacting to more than one type of bulldog ant. Variable serological cross-reactivity between bulldog ant species was observed, and sera from patients with bulldog ant allergy were all positive to one or more venoms extracted from Myrmecia forficata, Myrmecia pyriformis and Myrmecia nigriceps. Therefore 4 main groups of Australian ants cause anaphylaxis. Ser um sIgE testing enhances the accuracy of diagnosis and is a prerequisite for administering species-specific venom immunotherapy.

Brown SG, van EP, Wiese MD, Mullins RJ, Solley GO, Puy R, Taylor RW, Heddle RJ.
Causes of ant sting anaphylaxis in Australia: the Australian Ant Venom Allergy Study.
Med J Aust 2011 Jul 18;195(2):69-73

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